Bronze detail showing constellations and cloud formations.

Old Rag - the Lincolnshire Shepherd - poem and illustration detail.

The Lincoln Long Wool Sheep.

Overview of Bronze toposcope.

Profile of cairn housing the toposcope - built by a local stonemason - Paul Booth Stone Mason;

Cairn is situated at the New Inn in Saltfleet, Lincolnshire.

Cairn and Interpretation Panels designed by Differentia and Arc Creative.

Detail of bronze showing distances to linked places.

9923 miles to the South Pole!

Illustration of cultural landscape links.

Windmills and Zeppelins over the Lincolnshire Marshes.

Churches and leaning towers.

Interpretation panels were designed with a ship in mind and to reflect the nearby buildings. The cairn uses local Lincolnshire Limestone.

From the top - 800mm diameter bronze.

Overview of bronze toposcope.